Interview Questions and Answers for Xpanxion 2020 Letest Questions & Ans
All The question of Xpanxion Round 1st Clear. All type of core Java Question Asking in Xpanxion Company.
Que 1. Give a few reasons for using java ?
Ans:- Built-in support for multi-threading ,socket communications, and memory management. object oriented ,better portability then other languages across operating web based applications,distributed applications.etc
Que 2. Tell Me Somthing About OOP'S Concept ?
Ans:- OOP'S is called object oriented programming.
It is a programming model in java. OOP'S provide some concept to programming they are.
1. Abstraction.
2. Data Hiding.
3. Encapsulation.
4. Tightly encapsulation class.
5. IS-A Relationship(Inheritance).
6 .HAS-A Relationship.
7. Method Singnature
8 .Polymorphism
9. Static Control Flow.
10. Singleton Class.
11. Fectory Method.
Que 3. What is Polymorphism in Java ?
Ans:- Polymorphism is the ability to of an object to take
on many forms.The most common use of polymorphism
in OOP occur when a parent class reference is used
to refer to a child class object.
Que 4. How many methods in Externalizable interface ?
Ans:- There are two method in Externalizable interface.You have to implement these
two methods in order to make your class externalizable. These two methods are
1. readExternal().
2. writeExternal().
Que 5. What is Iterator interface ?
Ans:- The Iterator interface is used to step through the element of a Collection.
Que 6. What are native methods? How do you use them ?
Ans:- Native methods are methods whose implementation is provided
in another programming language such as C.The main objective of native
method are to improve th performance of the system.
Que 7. What is HAS-A relationship in Java ?
Ans:- 1. HAS-A Relationship is also knows as composition(or) aggregation.
2. There is no specific keyword to implement HAS-A relationship but mostly
we can use new operator.
3. The main advantage of reusability.
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